galston community news


NORHTHHOLM GRAMMAR students achieve extraordinary results moving up 193 places on the Sydney Morning Herald HSC rankings in one year.

Northholm would like to congratulate the Class of 2019 on their exceptional HSC results. Their hard work and dedication towards their academic studies has been rewarded and we are enormously proud of what they have achieved.

Northholm Grammar School is committed to ensuring that our learning culture is purposeful both inside and outside of the classroom. A culture that is intentional in promoting learning is one that fosters continuous improvement for students, teachers and students. Our purpose is to foster a learning culture where every student has a willingness and ability to learn, to lead and to serve so they can enjoy a life that is worthwhile and well-lived.

Learning through scholarship is one of our core values under ‘The Strategic Intent of Northholm Grammar School’. It is represented by the open book on our crest which defines our school as one that challenges each student scholastically by encouraging high academic standards and intellectual rigour, providing inspiring teaching committed to personalised learning, and designing and implementing our curriculum purposefully. We understand that there is far more to a strong education than just academic results, however we know that learning through scholarship coupled with ‘caring for others and self’, ‘living a faithful life’ and ‘contributing to the community’ is paramount in the holistic development of every young man and woman.

As a community, we are encouraged by our progress to move from a good School to a great one. A desire for excellence in all Academic, Co-Curricular, Sport and Service Learning programs is characterised by ‘The Northholm Way’ centred on allowing students to grow as individuals and find their passions so they can lead a wellrounded life and contribute to a thriving society. Our intention is to develop confident and compassionate students, who are effective contributors to society, successful learners, and responsible citizens.

Such performances would not be possible without the pastoral attentiveness, hard work and support from our staff, parents and the community. Congratulations and thank you to our young men and women for embracing the challenges of their final year of studies and developing a love of learning that would allow them to harness the intellectual habits so they can become independent and confident citizens. It is our intention that scholarship is what our students will take from School and leadership is what they will give to the world. We wish the 2019 Year 12 cohort every success in their future endeavours.