galston community news

Northholm Agriculture Show Teams

It was a week of early starts and late finishes, however the students of Northholm’s Agricultural Show Teams took it all in their stride at the Royal Easter Show this year.

It is so important that students connect with the process of raising animals, while, in the process, developing an appreciation for where their food comes from. Being part of the Northholm’s Agriculture Program gives students the opportunity to gain perspective into what it takes to grow, raise, select and prepare an animal for competition and there is no better competition than the Royal Easter Show. Students see animals from a variety of different breeds, and horticultural produce and district displays, highlighting the work of Australian farmers.

Northholm is a registered breeder of White Dorpers (sheep) and entered 15 rams and ewes in this year’s Show. The Dorper Show Team consists of students from Years Seven to Nine who attend sessions after school when they train, wash, clip and learn how to present the sheep in the ring. They are also assisted by Year Eleven Primary Industries students who are completing their Certificate II in Agriculture. There was a large contingent of White Dorpers at the Show this year with large numbers in every class. The students were rewarded with the following results:

• 2nd Place Ram Lambs Teeth
• 2nd Place Sire’s Progeny Group
• 3rd Place Ram Lambs Teeth
• 3rd Place Ewe 2/4 Teeth
• 3rd Place Ewe Lambs Teeth
• 4th Place Ewe Lambs Teeth
• 4th Place Ewe Lambs Teeth born After August 2017

Northholm has a strong poultry breeding program focusing on rare breeds. Our students hatch eggs and select the best progeny for our breeding program and also for competition. The breeding program has been in place for the last three years and this year the Junior Agriculture Show Team prepared a team of chickens for entry into the show and were rewarded with exceptional results.

• Champion Standard Soft Feather Light
• 1st Place and Best Male, Soft Feather Light – Cockerel
• 2nd Place Soft Feather Light – Cockerel
• 1st Place and Best Female, Soft Feather Light – Pullet
• 2nd Place Soft Feather Light – Pullet
• 2nd Place Indian Runner Duck Pair, any colour

The Year Twelve Primary Industries students entered the School’s Pig Competition for the first time with pigs kindly donated by the University of Sydney. Over the course of a term, students trained, prepared and then presented the pigs for competition at the Royal Easter Show. The pigs were judged on their weight, presentation and temperament. This was a fantastic experience for students to gain an insight into pig behaviour and what it takes to raise a commercial pig.

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