galston community news

News From Wisemans Ferry Community Men’s Shed

Happy New Year from all at the Men’s Shed! We trust you all had a wonderful Christmas break and that 2017 showers us with good health and prosperity.

Our members have also had a good break and are now stuck back into completing our shed. We have almost completed the flooring and hope to have the roof on (weather permitting) very soon. Thank you to everyone who has dropped in to give us a hand, you are amazing. We have worked through some very hot temperatures the last few weeks and there is still a lot to do but it is all worth it and we are excited to be getting closer to moving in. So not much else to report at the moment but there will be lots happening for next month.

The Rotary raffle we have been selling tickets in will be drawn on Monday 17 January so we will post the results in our next issue. Good luck to all who bought tickets and we hope some of our locals will be winners.

Meanwhile we can be contacted through Adrian on 0448833781.