James Wallace MP

News From Wisemans Ferry Community Men’s Shed

The hard work begins! The Construction Certificate has been approved and the shed has been ordered and due for delivery mid- October. It is an exciting time and the committee is busy behind the scenes making sure things happen. The Tradies are on their way and it will be a case of watch this space and see it grow! With all things going to plan, we hope construction and fit-out will be completed and we will be moved in by Christmas.

What a great Christmas present this would be for Adrian and Anette! We have now been inhabiting their space for just on two years which has been such a long time for them. They must have thought they would never get their home back but at last they can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We sincerely thank them for their patience and support of the shed.

Many of the shedders have made such a great contribution to this shed happening too. They each bring a special attribute to the shed, even if it is just a bit of good banter. Our eldest member, Alan is just such a gem and he would have to be the most hard-working person you could know. Not only is he there every Tuesday without fail, organising where things go but he also works tirelessly throughout the rest of the week, collecting timber, dropping off orders, or accompanying Adrian to meetings etc. Alan is also out there helping others in his community that might need a hand as well as dedicating many hours to his family and grandchildren. He is a true champion and one of our most valued members, we truly appreciate him.

A new Rotary Raffle is now available and this one will be drawn in January. We hope to be out and about soon, selling tickets so keep your eye out for us. You could win such great prizes and it not only helps us fund our shed but it also helps Rotary, who are always doing such great things in the community.

Meanwhile we are still operating from our temporary site, each Tuesday 9.30am – 3.30pm at 2811 River Road, Wisemans Ferry. You can contact us by phone 0448833781 (Adrian) 0410442275 (Robin Hitchcock) or email [email protected].

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