galston community news

News From Wisemans Ferry Community Men’s Shed

Our travelling shedders did return! Difficult and all as it was to drag themselves back from travelling this great land of ours, they have returned and are stuck back into completing tasks that are on our “to do list”. The bowlers are very happy with their new drink holders and by the time this goes to press, we hope to have the Café project completed.

We now have jumps for a local pony club to build, various nesting boxes for some native species of birds and a few other community projects. These projects not only help individuals in our community but also help to support our funds for the shed.

We are currently running a raffle through Rotary, to help raise funds for the slab for our shed. Rotary do such wonderful work for the community and we are very grateful to them for this opportunity. We will have tickets available for sale at the Bowling Club each Thursday night and Saturday afternoon as well as the two markets days over the long weekend in June. Tickets are $2 each and the prizes for this raffle are: 1 st Prize – A Toyota Yaris (or $16000), 2 nd $1000 worth of jewellery from Kurt Seifert Jewellers and 3 rd – A Notebook Computer. This raffle is drawn on Monday 18 July 2016. We hope you can support us in this and be a part of helping Wisemans Ferry build their Men’ Shed. Phone Dorothy 0418579900 or Robin 0410442275.

On Sunday, 3 July the Men’s Shed will be holding our first BBQ at Bunnings, McGraths Hill. Sausages will be sizzling from 8am and we will continue until 4pm. So please come along to Bunnings and show us your support by purchases a sausage sand wich and a drink. This BBQ is also going towards the costs of building the Men’s Shed. Thank you to the staff at Bunnings for this opportunity to fund raise and for their support of the WFCMS.

Remember our next two market stalls will be on the long weekend in June, firstly at Wisemans Ferry Sunshine Club’s (opposite the pub) and then on the Monday in the grounds of Wisemans Ferry Bowling club. Don’t miss out.

Meanwhile we are still operating from our temporary site, each Tuesday 9.30am – 3.30pm at 2811 River Road, Wisemans Ferry. You can contact us by phone 0448833781 (Adrian) 0410442275 (Robin Hitchcock) or email [email protected].