galston community news

News from UnitingCare Galston Early Learning Centre

February has been an inspiring, productive and motivating month for the team here at Galston Early Learning! We have had great opportunities to connect with our outer community through many different events including a Grandparent reading session, a working bee with our families and an excursion to the local vet.

On the 1st of February, Galston Early Learning Centre invited our grandparents to come in and read their favourite children stories to their grandchildren. The children and educators all had a fun morning connecting with the grandparents and listening to wide range of children stories. On behalf of all the staff here at Galston, we would like to say a big thank you to all our grandparents that came and shared their stories with us and we hope to re-connect with you all in the near future!

Later on in the month we organised a working bee to work on our physical environment. We had so many families and educators who gave up their Saturday morning to help us with the renewing of the sand for our sandpit, weeding/mulching the gardens and sorting out our library. Thank you to all the families and educators who came to help and I would like to make a special mention to ‘Langlands Landscape Supplies’ for providing their trucks to use and for ‘Belle Property’ for the catering on the day!

Finally the children were very excited to take our pet guineapigs Honey and Peppa to Galston Vet Clinic to have their nails trimmed. We were greeted by our bus driver Paul Udy and after boarding the bus and choosing our seats we made sure that we all had our seat belts buckled. When we arrived at the clinic we met Sandy who is the vet, Amy the vet nurse and Rocky the helper dog. Sandy showed us the proper way to hold guineapigs so that they are safe. Sandy explained that guineapigs need to get their nails trimmed when they are too long and that she would clip of the little white tip on the top of their nails which will stop them from scratching. This excursion was a lovely way to connect with our outer community and on behalf of Galston Early Learning Centre we would like to thank the Galston Vet Clinic for taking some time to show us around their clinic.

Over the upcoming months we would like to continue to build these partnerships with our local community, to further develop the children’s sense of identity.

If you would like to come and have a look at the centre or ask any questions regarding our Educational Program, please feel free to contact the Centre Director Daniela Balmer on 9653 1475.