galston community news

News from St Benedict’s September 2016

St Benedict’s Parish Fete Sunday 28 th August

Congratulations to all who helped make the parish fete a success and to all who enjoyed themselves on the day.

Welcome home to Karen and Luke

Our two young pilgrims – Karen Brown and Luke Neely – have returned from their visit to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland, full of stories about their life-changing experiences. They shared some of these with parishioners at the Sunday morning mass and also in the Parish Bulletin where Karen wrote: ‘We had the incredible opportunity of seeing – and waving to – Pope Francis as he made his way into Krakow Castle.

During the Papal Mass he challenged the youth to dream, stating that “When the heart is open and able to dream then there is room for mercy.”’

Both Karen and Luke also had interesting journeys on their way to World Youth Day, with Karen travelling to Greece and Luke to Jordan and Israel. Both went to Auschwitz and Luke wrote: ‘Both Jordan and Israel have this sense of being touched. Like our later visit to Auschwitz, Poland – where the air, the grass, the very trees, seemed traumatized by former suffering – these arid deserts, ancient seas and antique cities had the sense of being witness to something so powerful its residue still clung upon the earth.’

Karen and Luke are shown proudly displaying their World Youth Day flag. Both agree that memories of this trip will stay with them and affect them for the rest of their lives. Sacramental Program Confirmation will be

celebrated at St Benedict’s on Friday 23 rd September.
Congratulations to all who are taking part in this important occasion.

To find out more, call the Parish Office on 96532312. The office is open on Mondays from 10am – 4pm and Fridays from 10am – 5pm or visit the parish website

Weekend Mass Times

St. Benedict's Catholic Church Arcadia; Mass at the Monastery, 121 Arcadia Rd,
Arcadia, at 7 am every morning. Mass at the Parish Centre, Corner Fagans Rd &
Arcadia Rd.  7 pm Saturday, 9 am Sunday.