galston community news

News from Galston High School

Galston High School Leadership Camp

Prefects, house leaders and the SRC recently attended a fun-filled and productive
leadership camp at Vision Valley. The main purpose of the camp was to plan and
organise the events for the year and to build leadership capacity while developing
the bonds between the leadership teams. Highlights of the camp included a night of
team-building activities run by the Year 12 prefects with a focus was on developing
house spirit.

Galston High School Student Representative Council (SRC) Induction

The Principal was delighted to induct our new student representatives in front of the
whole school, parents and student leaders from our local primary schools. The SRC
are the voice of our students. They are elected for their leadership qualities to
enhance the school community, focussing on the needs of the student body. They
are also our social conscience as they raise money for different charities and support
a variety of causes that they feel are important. This year they are being ably lead by
their president, Damian Shahfazli with the support of Mia Rowe as Vice President.

Castle Hill Youth Expo

Agricultural students from Galston High School attended the revamped Castle Hill
Show Youth Expo recently. The students entered 7 sheep and 28 chickens as part of
their course of study to learn animal handling and preparation for showing. There
was a flurry of chook washing and drying as part of the process. Congratulations to
all the students involved and the excellent results they achieved.