galston community news

News from Galston High School

13 years of schooling draw to a close for Year 12

This time of year is such a busy one for Year 12 students. Major works in the Creative Art subjects such as Visual Arts, Drama and Music have been submitted or performed, as have projects in Industrial Technology, Extension 2 English, Extension History and Society and Culture. The focus now is on the upcoming exams. The Galston High School community wish our students all the best in the coming weeks.

New Prefect body elected

Our new prefect body has taken over the mantle left by our departing Year 12. Their Induction Ceremony was held recently. School captains Chloe Lawler and Callum Trethowan acknowledged and thanked their predecessors in their speech to the student body when they stated, ‘As the upcoming year approaches, we have the hard task of continuing the legacy left before us… but we also want to create our own legacy. We will do this through realistic goals and hard work, however we acknowledge we will be in Year 12 and face some strenuous times’.

Rypen students present at Rotary

Two Year 9 Galston High School students recently attended the RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment) camp through the generosity of Galston Rotary. The camp focuses on developing leadership skills and looks at issues such as goal setting and motivation. Sam Loria and Elizabeth Relph attended a Rotary meeting recently to thank them for their generosity and outline what they gained from the camp.

Rubik’s Cube competition

Competition has been fierce recently at lunchtime in the library as our Rubik’s Cube champions have been battling it out for supremacy. Bryce in Year 10 had impressive times but Hudson in Year 7 is hot on his heels. Mr Kim Sing was able to keep it real for all involved. He was the only one who needed cheat sheets to compete!