galston community news

News from Galston High School

The Ngamuru program at Galston High School

Galston High School has been very fortunate this semester to have Amelia Corr from Macquarie University’s Outreach program run a ten week course for our Aboriginal students. The program is called Ngamuru, which means ‘to see the way’ in the language of the Darug people. The Ngamuru program involved students from years 7 to 12, and focused on developing their strength in identity, self-esteem, resiliency and leadership capacity. The students met with Amelia on a Friday morning and each session had a strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander grounding.

Our Library rebuild has begun

The rebuilding of the school library began in the school holidays with the overhead walkway and cement slab being demolished, crushed and redistributed as land fill for the site. It won’t be long before the structure begins to appear. The students were very excited to see the progress when they returned.