galston community news

News From The Friends of Fagan Park

By Ian Browning

Well, what a difference a week can make! Just a few days after writing last month’s report the rain started and, as we all know, it was still raining more than 2 weeks later. Fagan Park

I recorded about 750mm for the period, some locally reporting even more. It amounted to nearly a years rain in two weeks.

Although most of you reading this will have been little more than inconvenienced (except for mould galore!), we all need to think of those in Brisbane, Lismore and surrounding towns and villages and of course, closer to home, the Hawkesbury. As they always say, records are made to be broken, but we could do without these kinds of records.

Needless to say, the Friends of Fagan Park elected not to attend during the period of rain, affecting three Tuesdays, so there is no progress to report on any of our projects.

On 22nd February, amid a torrential downpour, past and present members put on a morning tea in honour of the retirement of Rob, one of our longest-serving volunteers. Rob was our go-to man for any fitting and turning, and he will be sorely missed.

It says something for the camaraderie amongst us that we have enjoyed the company of many like Rob for over 20 years. Fagan Park Fagan Park Fagan Park

Some of our of members recently joined the family in a celebration of the life of Max Smith. Max, passed away in late December. He and his wife Kath, who predeceased him, were stalwarts of the Friends of Fagan Park during the 1990’s and 2000’s. The Museums and Homestead owe a lot to their contributions.

As I write this, another day of most welcome sunshine greets us, so we have chosen to restart our regular opening of the Museums during the afternoon, this being the second Sunday.

We are always pressed for space in our Museums as new projects are completed and need to be stored in such a way they are on view as passive exhibits, and can be moved when the need arises.

To assist in meeting this objective, we are undertaking a reorganisation and clean up in the near future. At present however, the grounds are too wet to drive any vehicle off the paved driveways.

If you would like to contact us to offer your services as a volunteer, call Ian 0419 435 475 or Vern 0405 703 413.

Ruby Webber