galston community news

News from St Benedict’s

Family Christmas Party
On Friday 16 November we had a family Christmas celebration at the St Benedict’s Parish Centre with dancing, prizes, food and festivities. Thank to organisers Paula and Sandra and all the kind people who helped with this successful and happy event.

New pews
St Benedict’s has had a makeover with the installation of some real wooden pews that have been donated to the church.

The Messiah
A performance of Handel’s Messiah by an ecumenical choir will be held at the Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral 23 Yardley Avenue Waitara at 8pm. Proceeds will go to the Hornsby & Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter. Cost $30 or at the door (subject to availability).

Next year’s St Benedict’s fete
Wil be held on Sunday March 10 2019. Mark the date in your diary now!

St Benedict’s Christmas Celebrations
Christmas services begin with children’s mass at 7pm on Christmas Eve in the Parish Centre. Later, at 11:45pm, we’ll have Christmas carols followed by Midnight Mass. Christmas Day masses will be at 7am in the Monastery Chapel and 9am in the Parish Centre.

Don’t forget our St Benedict’s playgroup meets every Monday morning in school terms. Please contact Sandra 0410587735 if you would like to join us.

Weekend Mass Times
St. Benedict’s Catholic Church Arcadia; Mass at the Monastery, 121 Arcadia Rd, Arcadia, at 7 am every morning. Mass at the Parish Centre, Corner Fagans Rd & Arcadia Rd 7 pm Saturday, 9 am Sunday.