galston community news

News from St Benedict’s

St Benedict’s Fete – Sunday 11 March

Our much-anticipated St Benedict’s Fete will be on Sunday 11 March. In the past this fete has traditionally been a spring event but it has now been moved to autumn, a much better time for most. Please mark the date in your diary now. The fete will be held – rain or shine – at the St Benedict’s Parish Centre on the corner of Arcadia and Fagans Road Arcadia. There’ll be plenty of parking.

Changed office times

New opening hours for the parish office are Thursday and Friday 10am to 2pm. For parish enquiries please telephone 96532312 during those hours or, at other times, leave a message.

Information evening for 2018 Sacramental Programme

Our Sacramental Programme continues this year. For families who wish to know more about future plans for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist, a Parent Information Evening will be held on Monday 19 February at 7:30pm. For information about this year’s programme please telephone the parish office (96532312).

Congratulations to our catechists

Late last year four of the catechists who teach in our local schools were presented with long service awards by Bishop Peter Comensoli at a Diocesan Mass in Waitara. Then, at the December Childrens Mass in St Benedicts, all of our catechists were acknowledged and the parish passed on best wishes to our local Year Six children for their move into high school. At this mass the catechist service terms of Leonie Miller (50 years), Lyla Abood (40 years), Delel Touma (35 years), Therese Jasser and Josephine Letteri (15 years), Paul and Paula El Chaar (10 years) and Pauline Honor and Anthony Jasprizza (5 years) were recognised. We are grateful to these and all the other catechists who teach 230 children in our local schools. Picture shows Leonie Miller and Delel Touma with their ‘long service’ certificates.

Weekend Mass Times

St. Benedict’s Catholic Church Arcadia; Mass at the Monastery, 121 Arcadia Rd, Arcadia, at 7 am every morning. Mass at the Parish Centre, Corner Fagans Rd & Arcadia Rd 7 pm Saturday, 9 am Sunday.