galston community news

News From History Cottage – Parramatta Tour

What a fascinating talk members heard at our June meeting! Susan Gray told of her commitment and care of the primates on her property, Banana Cabana, in Dural.

To hear of the character and attributes of her charges was to come to the realisation of how close we are to those on the other branch of the tree of evolution.

On the 28th May a full bus of members toured Parramatta. Our guide, Judith Dunn OAM, brought the lives of the convict women and their children much closer. The restored heritage buildings of the Female Factory; the Orphanage, now part of the University of Western Sydney and Lake Parramatta, are a joy to see.

Saint Patrick’s Cathedral is a fine example of the blending of old and new in architecture. These locations and Parramatta Park, are a must see. Cattai Creek played an important part in the life of those who lived along it; from pre history, through early Colonial and to the present.

The story of this branch of the Hawkesbury will be told by our 13th July speaker Mal Johnston, Historian, lifetime resident of Kenthurst and explorer. Mal has walked, canoed and researched and will share his work with us.

Next Meeting: 13th July – Galston Uniting Church, School Road, Galston, starting at 2.00pm. Free entry. Afternoon tea gold coin.

August 10th – Arcadia Community Hall, 134 Arcadia Rd Arcadia. 2.00pm. Free. Dr Grace Karskens “People of the River”.

Enquiries 02 9653 1365.