It was hard to tell the descendants of the free settlers from those of the convicts at the May meeting; all looked prosperous and not a leg iron in site. Our guest speaker, Judith Dunn OAM, held her audience in thrall with the results of her five years of research into the crimes of the convict women.
Using the Court reports in the Sydney Herald, Judith used the florid euphemisms of the seafaring Sydney Town language to list the crimes, the conditions and the life of those sent to the Female Factory, the homes of the wealthy and those who lived as best they could using the only resource left to them. A most informative and enjoyable afternoon, in the company of those who came 190 years later.
The June meeting is in some ways similar except the main characters are those released from a different bondage. Our guest speaker will be, Susan Gray, who with her family, have run a special space, Banana Cabana.
For over forty years monkeys and other primates once in circuses, research facilities and private ownership, can live out their lives in a setting of comfort and care. Come to the meeting and learn more about this unique facility and why she fell in love with these special animals.
Next meetings on the 9th June will be in the Uniting Church, School Road Galston, starting at 2.00pm. Entry is free and afternoon tea is served for a gold coin.
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