galston community news

News from History Cottage

The Society started the year with a masterful presentation by Emeritus Professor, Don Napper. His subject, to an audience of ninety, was about the inventor, Nicola Tesla. The technicalities of electricity had many going back to their schooldays science but it all became much clearer for discussion over afternoon tea.

On Sunday the 16th March the Society will have an open afternoon at “History Cottage”, 412 Galston Road Galston, between 12.00 and 5.00. The public is invited to inspect the facilities that are available for research.

These include an extensive collection of maps, over two thousand photographs, an extensive library, micro fiche of Colonial records and family histories. This is an excellent chance to find out more about the work of the Society and how it could help the public with local history.

A record for an Australian work of art was recently set at auction. To most Australians the artist’s name, John Peter Russell, would be unknown. However in Europe he was a friend, supporter and teacher to many artists during the Impressionist period.

The story of this most influential person is the subject of the talk to be given by the Society’s guest speaker on the 8th March. Branching away from her usual field and following another of her interests, Judy Horton will present her research.

Next meeting 8th March 2.00. Galston Uniting Church, School Rd, Galston. No entry fee. Gold coin for afternoon tea appreciated.

Enquiries Michael Bell 02 9653 1365