galston community news


The first meeting for the year will be on the 8th February at 2.00pm in History Cottage beside the Honour Roll in Galston Park. Visitors are most welcome.

The day’s talk will be by Mr Ken Bradley, a member who has been researching the stories of the World War 1 soldiers from our community. Two Tasmanians from very different backgrounds eventually found their way to the Dural district via very different routes. Both enlisted in the Australian Infantry Force for WW1, one serving in France and the other in Palestine. One survived and the other did not. One became a very well known Australian and the other had but a brief hour of sporting glory. The presentation illustrates the vagaries of fate.

Our first tour will be on Tuesday the 17th March to the Historical Aircraft Restoration Society Aviation Museum at Albion Park. This should be a most pleasant day out and the enthusiastic volunteers will be guiding us through the collections. Further details will be given at the February meeting. There will be two more one day tours and one overnight, currently in planning but probably to Sydney in May to be a tourist in our own city.

The Society was fortunate to have a student from Sydney University approach us foe assistance with an assignment for her history course. The Society was also helping Hornsby Council with a similar project. The result can now be viewed at History Cottage.

All in all it will be a busy year for members and friends. Learn more about your community’s history over an afternoon.