galston community news


Maybe it is the beautiful weather we are experiencing that makes us look around and realise what a beautiful place we live in. Maybe that is the reason visitors to History Cottage are asking about the history of their property and the history of the area. Maybe that is why Hornsby Shire Council is reviewing its Heritage Policies to ensure the preservation of our special place. For whatever the reason our meetings have been well attended and researchers are busy answering requests. There will be opportunities in the near future to be involved in the public discussion of how our community is to be enhanced. Be informed and maybe use the Historical Society as a source to be so.

The proposed speaker for our May meeting was not able to attend and our member, Judy Horton, stepped into the breach with a most interesting talk on the history of the plant foods we eat. We benefit from our present diet which is vastly different to that of our grandparents, thanks to recent migration.

The diet of our ancestors four hundred years ago makes us wonder how they survived. Judy’s talk gave us food for thought and much research to chew on. Within our community are many who go about doing wonderful community work for the love of doing it. Last month the Society presented June Smith, of Mark Donaldson VC, with a certificate of Life Membership. June has lead an interesting and varied life, a country childhood, a performing swimmer, wartime nurse in New Guinea, mother and then much community involvement in our community.

Our next meeting is on the 8th June at 2.00pm in History Cottage. Max Roughley will tell the story of the group of orphan girls who came to Australia as a result of the Irish Potato Famine. Maybe there is an orphan girl among your ancestors?