galston community news

News From History Cottage


Once again a local subject meant a well attended monthly meeting. Tracey Reid gave a talk on her home, “Banksia Cottage”, built by the Sallaway family with help from master stonemason, Joe Booth.

The benefits, of talks such as this; including painstaking research, early photographs and many contributions from members of the audience, is that local history comes alive.

The ANZAC Day Dawn Service will be held at the Galston Cenotaph. With the relaxation of Covid 19 restrictions there has been remarkable increase in the numbers attending. It is a moving scene to see so many of our community coming together in the dawn light.

The Society has established an extensive record of those who served; including many more than the sixty names on the Cenotaph. The record of their service, where they lived and a little of their earlier and later lives. This research is available for study at History Cottage by appointment.

Our May meeting has, Noel Phelan from the National Maritime Museum, as a guest speaker. His talk will be “The Bombing of Darwin”. This momentous event in the nation’s history is only now being better recognised. Those who served there, including past residents, were for many years, not given full recognition or their stories told. Mr Phelan’s talk is an excellent opportunity to learn more.

The May meeting will be on Saturday 13th in the Uniting Church , School Road starting at 2.00pm. Free entry for all with a gold coin for afternoon tea. For enquiries please contact 02 9653 1365.