galston community news

News from History Cottage

What a joy it was for some fifty members and visitors to meet on the 13th of November. Our guest speaker, Jo Hambrett, told the story of her family, the Bests.

Six generations have farmed in the Dural district for over two hundred years, making it the most prolonged continuous family agricultural enterprise in Australia. Afternoon tea provided time to catch up with old friends, all eager to talk history and all reluctant to leave.

Many families have contributed to what makes our community so special. Some have moved on, but their roots are here, and the Society is always pleased to hear from them.

Last month such a connection was renewed when a descendant of the Cusbert Family sent a collection of documents and photographs she thought should be in the Society’s archives. It is a treasure-trove that adds to the history we all share.

The accompanying photo shows the variety; the face of the World War1 soldier on our Cenotaph, baptism certificates from the Methodist church, proud grandparents with their descendants, a wedding and a centenarian.

Despite Covid restrictions, the Society has been able to assist researchers. Our map collection has helped to locate the farms of the founders of the Methodist church in our district.

Bevans Road research has revealed how influential the brothers Edward to the citrus industry and art and Walter, who became a judge of outstanding national reputation, were in our community.

History Cottage will close over December but contact with the Society can be made on 96531365.

Hopefully, the new year will see it possible for us to return to our regular monthly meetings with a selection of interesting guest speakers, the annual June Roughley Memorial Lecture in August and tours to historical locations.