galston community news


Annual General Meeting GPA held it’s AGM on 14 August and after an interesting evening of voting for all positions, all incumbents have been returned to the Executive plus one addition to the Ordinary Members of the Committee. We also have a new Secretary, welcome Callum, and our association looks forward to an exciting new team. All are welcome to engage with us, we welcome new members and you can now join or rejoin online at

Glenorie Bakery The Association wants you all to be privy to all the developments as they happen and, to that end, we have been active in appraising all ‘stakeholders’ of the application for extended hours for the Glenorie Bakery. We hope for a compromise in these hours. Also the Shop Top housing DA has changed slightly to allow for current market trends. You can go to The Hills Council Tracking Applications page to keep aware of all DA lodgements and progress.

Boral DA Speaking of DAs, Boral Concrete is still silent on the proposed upgrade of the Schwebel Lane batching plant. Get ready to make your submission to THSC if and when the DA is lodged. Keep an eye on our facebook page or join our Association and we will keep you posted on our Say NO to Boral campaign.

William Wines Sad to see that Williams Wines has moved out of Glenorie. We wish them the all the best in their new location.

Glenorie Markets The Glenorie Growers Market held its’ last market Day at the RSL grounds and is moving to the Les Shore Oval with the new owners demonstrating passion and enthusiasm in keeping the community spirit alive, and the desire to expand the reach of the market. Well done owner operator Vicki Brownless for your commitment over the past seven years.

Environment Centre The Environment Centre suggested we run another Fire Awareness Day but the fire season is already upon us (started 1 September). We are relying on our wonderful RFS brigades from Glenorie, Hillside, Maroota, Mid Dural, South Maroota and Arcadia to raise awareness of the necessity for all residents to prepare for bushfires. Be aware that you can’t expect a fire truck on your doorstep if there is a bush fire – that’s a lot of area to cover for six brigades. Glenorie Brigade will be at the Glenorie School Fair on Sunday 23 September and there you will be able to see displays and DVDs of the 2002 fires which impacted our area. We can help to develop your own household Bush Fire Survival Plan to keep your family safe. Other brigades will have activities on the Get Ready weekend of the 22-23 September.

More Information Go to and have your say or contact us at [email protected] or ring Di on 0418 432 587. Our snail mail address is P O Box 240 Glenorie NSW 2157