galston community news

More fun to be had at GEC!

What a very busy year we have had so far, with the club holding so many varied events and opportunities for us to enjoy with our horses.

The Introductory Rider Biomechanics course with Equi-Motion on 24th May was very interesting. This day was run by Emma Matlin and Kristin Dean, who are both human and horse physiotherapists. We worked on how our position on the horse affects how they move. This was an introductory day which involved rider assessment both off and on the horse, as well as some Pilates stretch work off the horses. It was a very informative and everyone took away lots of things they can do at home to ensure they are doing the best for their horses whilst riding.

The 28th May we held the ever popular Poles and Grids with local coach Tana Subotic. This was a full day with 20 riders doing various heights and grids. Poles and Grids is great gymnastics for your horse and very useful to gain rhythm and control when training for show jumping. Everyone had an awesome day and are already asking when Tana will be back.

Our next show jumping competition on 8th July is The Gamblers’ Stakes! Something a little different for you to come and enjoy! You get to design your own course (help will be provided if necessary), then jump the jumps selected, scoring points for each jump according to difficulty. A bit of fun, while schooling your horse. Show Jumping at GEC is always a fun day!

We will be having a Fun and Picnic Day on 9th July. There will be equipment out for you and your horse to play with, and some games for fun. There might be some prizes for the hairiest horse, the longest tail, etc.! Bring a picnic and come and socialize at the friendliest club. The BBQ will be on if you want to BBQ your meat, and tea and coffee will be available. Smiles guaranteed!

The ever popular Members Only Dressage Competition on 23rd July is a great way to compete in a supportive, relaxed and fun environment. Join fellow members and have a great day at GEC. Bring your woolly mammoth, or come along to help by volunteering on the day. No Jackets or plaiting required.

Our July talk will be on 25th July at the Galston Club in the evening. Everyone will be welcome. Sophie Fletcher of Integrated Equine Nutrition will give a talk on equine nutrition and hair analysis.

Upcoming events :

• 8 July Gamblers’ Stakes showjumping
• 9 July Fun and Picnic Day
• 23 July Members Only Dressage Competition
• 25 July Sophie of Integrated Equine Nutrition will give a talk on equine nutrition and hair analysis.
• 13 August – Show jump Training and Horsemanship Practice Day
• 22 August – Heather le Provost will give a talk on weeds

As usual, please check our Facebook page and our website for up to date information on all our events. http://www.