galston community news

Middle Dural Rural Fire Brigade News

We welcomed one new recruit last month and straightaway involved him in pumping training at Sallaway Creek, as you can see. Pumping from fire vehicles, dams and other water sources is a vital skill for firefighters and we devote a significant amount of time to ensuring that we can do this quickly, efficiently and safely.

In addition, our Brigade spent a training evening with the Communications Brigade at District Office. We all found it very interesting and informative, and thank those members of Comms who gave up their Monday evening so that we could be better informed.

Following basic firefighting training, one of our members has recently passed the Village Firefighting course. Congratulation, Jon!

Some of our senior members are trainers for next level of expertise, the Advanced Firefighter qualification, which focuses on an understanding of hydraulics and the theory of pumping. They were busy this weekend with a large bunch of enthusiastic volunteers from all around The Hills Shire, including one of our members. They learned the capabilities of The Hills bulk water carrier which holds 12,500L of water and is a valuable part of our firefighting capacity. Driving it requires a heavy vehicle drivers licence – another skill obtained by your hard-working volunteer firefighters

They also learned how to use the complex plumbing in front of public buildings such as shopping centres, retirement villages and schools. There they learned how to boost the mains pressure to provide water in high rise buildings, or to draw water from them. A full day assessment and written exam was to follow, so our best wishes go to all of them. Training is an ongoing activity at our District Office, and we acknowledge a debt of gratitude to the volunteers who give up so much of their free time to train the newer members.