galston community news

Middle Dural Rural Fire Brigade News

Fourteen members of our Brigade attended the ANZAC Day ceremony at the Glenorie RSL ANZAC Day. Some of us marched, and we also assisted Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade in blocking off roads to allow marchers and the community to enjoy the day with minimal obtrusive security. Thanks to the hard-working people of the RSL who provided finger food and drinks.

Many of the community, and of our Brigade, would have been remembering their own fathers, grandfathers and uncles who had fought in the two world wars, and more recent conflicts that involved their female relatives as well. I recalled my cousin showing me a canon outside Ludlow Castle and saying “Our grandfather captured that at Sevastopol”.

There was a strong sense of camaraderie and good will as the crowd listened to speeches and considered the sacrifices made on our behalf, and fervently hoped for peace from future conflict.

On the fire front, it has been fairly quiet, however we have had several calls due to residents not telling their neighbours or Fire Control Centre that they were planning to burn a pile. Please tell your neighbours when you plan to burn, and save us from being called out unnecessarily. Those of you in The Hill District, ring our Fire Control Centre in Annangrove Road on 96541244. There was a sad report recently of a child taken to hospital with third degree burns after a pile burn was helped along with petrol. Petrol should never be used; it is too volatile and unpredictable. Ask for help from your local Brigade, if you’re unsure.

The NSW RFS relies on a team of dedicated women and men who fulfil a range of important roles including: Firefighting, Administration, Communications, Catering, Community Education, Community Engagement, Training, Operational Logistics Support, Welfare Support, Equipment Maintenance and Youth Development. No matter what your experience, there’s a role for nearly everyone as a volunteer or indeed, as a paid professional in the RFS.

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