galston community news

Middle Dural Rural Fire Brigade News

Following the Brigade Annual General Meeting, I’m pleased to tell you that our Captain (Len Best, 0408 220 705) and Senior Deputy (Ken Middleton, 0417 203 088) were reelected unopposed. As you know, if you suspect an emergency, don’t ring either of them, or our station, ring 000. For other information, The Hills District Fire Control is happy to take your call on 9654 1244.

Some of you may be uncertain about the boundaries of the Middle Dural Brigade area of responsibility, or are considering joining the RFS, and want the closest Brigade. We cover all of Cranstons Road, and roads leading off it, Edwards, Coppabella and Sunnyvale, Wyoming and Wildthorne, and adjacent parts of Old Northern Road. Having said that, we are happy to welcome other residents to pay us a visit and see if they might be a good fit, or would enjoy volunteering.

There are many reasons to join the NSW RFS. You may want to protect your families, your friends, your home and assets, your community, and your way of life. Volunteering also offers the opportunity to learn new and valuable skills that will not only assist you in your voluntary role but in day to day life and even your workplace. It is also an opportunity to meet people you wouldn’t normally meet.

For many of our members, it’s also about being part of a wonderful tradition and an organisation with a very proud history.

Middle Dural Brigade has been busy with training this month. Our members have attended courses on Ethics, relating to the RFS Code of Conduct; and First Aid re-accreditation, very capably run by Elizabeth Whiteman and Glenorie Brigade. The second level of firefighting competence is Village Firefighter, passed by one member last month. This prepares members for working on building fires and motor vehicle accidents. Lastly, one crew leader attended the Prescribed Burning Supervisor course. This is an advanced level qualification that teaches how to organise and run hazard reductions. One Saturday we were joined by two new potential members, as you can see pictured left.