galston community news

Middle Dural Happenings

The first term has flown past with so many activities in which to participate. The swimming carnival in February was shared with Hillside, Annangrove and Arcadia Public Schools and was a day full of races, competition, fun and good will.

Tuesday 21st February started out as a seemingly normal day until the sound of butter sizzling in pans and the warm scent of something delicious filled the air. Our Year 6 students busily made 60 pancakes to serve to all our students; a great way to raise funds and celebrate Pancake Day together.

Senior students enjoyed a Leadership Camp at Longneck Lagoon in March. So many amazing activities and skills were experienced as students developed their understanding of teamwork, problem-solving and leadership.

A visit from Landcare Australia and Costa Georgiadis gave us an opportunity to share our journey in the creation and use of our Yarning Circle. The purpose of this visit was to create some videos to assist other schools wishing to start the same journey.

Harmony Day is always celebrated in March. Mrs Horrocks organised a range of interesting and inclusive activities for our students concluding with story sharing in the tranquillity of our Yarning Circle.

And now Term 2 is well upon us with the promise of so much to come. Middle Dural is now taking enrolments. Our is constantly enhancing opportunities for all our students that will improve their learning potential.