galston community news

A-Maze-In Mind Program

We are thrilled to have launched our newest program to support vulnerable young people in foster care, the A-Maze-In Mind Program. Our program has been developed by a qualified counsellor who has extensive trauma and are at greater risk of experiencing mental health problems.

The program has two major objectives. The first being to provide psycho-education on the two most prevalent mental health issues being anxiety and depression.

The second is to teach these vulnerable young people practical tools and techniques they can use now and in the future to help manage their own mental health and well being.

The program can be delivered online through an on-line classroom that is accessible via computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone. It can also be delivered in person in group settings with our Therapy Dog, Angel, (pictured). Both options are one hour sessions over a six week period. In addition to this program we are also offering participants up to 10, free of charge, one on one counselling sessions with our counsellor for young people in out of home care.

The 6 week program is also available for young people not in out of home care for a small fee. We are NDIS approved.

To support this program and Angel, tax deductible donations are greatly appreciated. Donations can be made securely via our website

To enquire about the program, please contact Wendy at Foster Care Angels on 9899 6006 or 0452 117 660. No referral is needed.