galston community news

Mayoral Easter Message

By Dr Peter Gangemi - Mayor of The Hills Shire Council

Easter is upon us, and it’s hard to believe that the first quarter of the year is already behind us. At Council, we’ve been working hard to create the best possible community for you and your family in The Hills.

Already, we’ve planned for many new parks and open spaces, including the exhibition of the Withers Road Reserve Consultation Plan and the awarding of construction tenders for Samantha Riley Drive Reserve and the Kenthurst Park expansion.

We have allocated additional resources to fast-track the design work for essential roads projects in our new release areas. Hannaford Avenue Reserve in Box Hill is close to completion and I am looking forward to welcoming the community soon to the Waves Fitness and Aquatic Centre in Baulkham Hills.

We’ve launched our new library outreach vehicle and celebrated Youth Week, Senior’s Week and International Women’s Day. Very soon we will be appointing new Youth Ambassadors – it has been a busy time!

Mayoral Easter Message Mayor

Once again, people in the northern parts of our Shire have endured devastating floods, and those who suffered just a short time ago are suffering again. We are so grateful to the local heroes amongst us – our Emergency services, volunteers and Council workers – who offered support and help when it was most needed.

This Easter, please keep those less fortunate than ourselves in your prayers, in particular those people who have been impacted from the floods and those people who are isolated from their families due to covid.

Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, an event that gave all of humanity hope.

I hope you are able to take time to relax and connect with family and friends this Easter, and, if you are going on holidays, please drive carefully and stay safe on our roads.

Happy Easter to your family from mine.