galston community news

From the Desk of Matt Kean

Matt Kean – NSW Member for Hornsby,
The Minns Government’s widespread proposed changes to the planning rules that are currently before us is a serious threat to life as we know it in our local area. Rural villages such as Glenorie and Galston are set to be changed forever.

All the work Hills and Hornsby councils have done, together with their communities to set the character of the rural amenity whilst allowing for appropriate development, will be thrown out the window.

The Minns Labor Government’s one size fits all approach to planning will see Galston treated the same as Granville, with local voices trampled in a clumsy attempt to find an agenda.

WestInvest Funding Matt Kean mp Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Galston Gorge HSC Booster lockdown Hornsby, Grand Openings, NSW Government

In more positive news, I was very pleased to be part of the officially reopening of the upgraded Galston Aquatic Centre on 3rd February. The community has waited a very long time for this highly valued public pool to be available once again and it is now an impressive modern facility.

Finally, I am pleased to see Hornsby Council moving forward with their Galston Village Public Domain Plan. Galston’s shopping area is in desperate need of some attention and council’s plan is about to go out for public exhibition. I encourage residents to provide council any feedback they have to these plans.