galston community news
Magnolias will make a spectacular feature in your garden either planted as a single specimen or in a group planting.

They are in abundance at the nursery now and there is a wide range of trees to choose from. Late winter is the perfect time to make your selection as the trees will be in bud or flower and in a range of different sizes and prices.

There is a magnolia suited to most gardens and they are especially nice in a garden teamed up with some azaleas, camellias or gardenias. Magnolias have a non invasive root system which make them suitable to the smaller garden tucked close to a house or in a garden where space is restricted.

When choosing a magnolia, it is a good idea to assess the space and position you have available in your garden. They prefer a sunny to partly shaded spot with a bit of protection from hot afternoon sun and wind.

Also, to get the best growing results, choose a spot which has deep rich loose soil or at the very least, improve the soil with cow manure before planting. It’s vital to keep magnolias well watered during dry periods and in the heat of summer.

Once established, they are resilient, but they still require regular watering. Pruning is not recommended as it encourages unattractive vertical growth but it is also a good idea to apply some mulch around their roots to help them remain moist.

When ready to select, we have many excellent new varieties available in the nursery. Magnolia Black Tulip is a spectacular variety which grows to 5metres high by 2 metres wide. Its flowers are red/black in colour and fragrant and it is an excellent tree for a small garden.

With the vast selection available, you will find it difficult to choose just one. Other larger varieties include an old favourite Magnolia Denudata which has beautiful white fragrant flowers or Elizabeth which flowers yellow.

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