galston community news

Looking for a Local Playgroup?

Our playgroup has vacancies on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Sessions all start at 9.30am except Fridays which start at 10:30am. Sessions go for 1-2 hours and are very casual, you can come and go whenever. You don’t need to bring anything. We are located underneath the Community Centre. The first two sessions are free and after this fees are $2.50 a session. All groups have children of mixed ages from babies to preschoolers. Feel free to try a couple of groups to see what suits you best as they all run differently. Please feel free to contact [email protected] if you have any other questions.

Glenorie Mission Church, Muscios Road, Glenorie Every Thursday 9am-12pm – bring allergy friendly snacks

Located at Arcadia Public School, 140 Arcadia Road Every 2nd Thursday 9.30 to 11am. Contact Dale 0410 532 562 Parking in Community Centre next door. Our playgroup has a very relaxed format. There is usually a craft activity, however, some kids choose not to participate in craft as they are having too much fun in the enormous sandpit. Our toys and resources cater for all ages. We have playmats and toys for babies, musical/percussion instruments, water play and more. We request a gold coin donation when attending. All of our regular attendees become members of Playgroup NSW.

St Jude’s Anglican Church, 965 Old Northern Rd Dural (Off Galston Rd for parking) Every Friday 9:30-11:30 am Aged 0-5 All welcome. Come and join us every Friday (during school terms) for play, story, music, crafts and so much more! It’s free just bring a piece of fruit to share. We look forward to seeing you there!