galston community news

Locally grown nationally accredited

PATHWAYS PSYCHOLOGY INSTITUTE is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary this year. Having recently become a Registered Training Organization (RTO) endorsed by ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority), with a brand new Diploma of Counselling CHC51015. Yelena Udy is a long time Galston resident, CEO and Head of Training. She explained that although the ASQA audit process has been an enormous undertaking for a small school, “it now assures our graduates that their Diploma of Counselling training will allow them to both be recognized Australia wide finding and getting the jobs they want, and then having the skills to be truly effective in their counselling jobs”.

Pathways is committed to maintaining small classes with personalised supervision and coaching, which creates the special unique learning experience our students really value. We regularly receive feedback from our students and graduates that the style of counselling that we teach is so helpful in their work, and that the personal development process our courses take them through (included as an integral part of the training) brings a deeper meaning and understanding about themselves and the particular gifts they bring. Our courses specialise in Processwork counselling and trauma-informed care. Students learn about the latest insights in brain neurobiology and the nervous system, as well as creative art and movement therapies which access the deeper symbolic level of the mind. Processwork skills guide the student in how to choose the best and most effective method for each individual client’s situation.

Pathways courses are offered both in faceto- face residentials and classes at our Galston campus, and classes can be attended at-a-distance for students from afar. The mix of students from the local community, and from further afield makes a rich diverse student group in all of our counselling and psychotherapy training courses.

The Diploma of Counselling CHC51015 priced at $9500.00, is one of the best priced on the market. The school is currently offering an early bird discount of 10% off if enrolled before December 25th! Payment plans are available to students. For more information visit the website ; email info@ or call 029653 2228.

Naucon group