galston community news

Local Groups Improve The Lives of Women and Girls

Chat a Lot Quilting Group recently presented Soroptimist International of The Hills Inc with a beautiful quilt they had made, to be used for fundraising efforts in the Hills Community.

The Soroptimist International (S.I.) organisation is an international network of clubs with a focus on improving the lives of women and girls. S.I. Hills has been active in the Hills local area for 43 years with a focus on raising awareness and supporting activities at a local, national and international level.

President Cathy Tracey says that it is through the generous donations of groups such as the “Chat a Lots” that we are able to have wonderful prizes for our raffles throughout the year. The money raised generally goes to support local community services. We are very grateful for this support.

If you are interested in learning more about Soroptimist International of The Hills Inc, please contact President Cathy Tracey on 0435 837 118.

Local Groups Improve The Lives of Women and Girls