galston community news

Local Garden Club Offers Inspiration and Friendship

If you’ve been considering joining a local community garden group in the Hills or surrounding areas, the Dural and Hills District Garden Club could be just what you’re been looking for.

The meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 8pm, Mid Dural Fire Station, 57 Mid Dural Road, Middle Dural. Plenty of parking in the street.

It’s a garden club with an emphasis on social activities.

Many members have made lifetime friendships through participation in a variety of events.

Guest speakers, are the highlight of the meetings together with plant sales, a raffle and a delicious supper. All for just an annual membership fee of $20 single or $25 family.

There are monthly visits to members interesting and beautiful gardens.

Affordable, bus day trips and the occasional longer bus trips that are priced to suit the budget with the club subsidising part of the bus fees.

26th April, 2023 – Wednesday:
Warragamba Dam including Wollondilly Museum at the Oaks and Picton Botanic Gardens.

2nd May, 2023 – Tuesday:
Hosting the Tumbi Vale Garden Club.

9th June 2023 – Friday:
Visit to Eastern Suburbs Sustainability Project, IndigiGrow Native Bush Food, Plant Nursery at La Perouse Public School and the museum.

“We are a friendly social club, so come along and have a cuppa and piece of cake with me and the members” said Elaine Collier, President.

For further information contact Secretary, Marg Dunn, email – [email protected] or mobile 0482 053 438 or Social Secretary, Dale Blakey mobile 0416 299 200