galston community news

Local Election

“Well-known councillor Emma Heyde says the fire in her belly to look after local residents Election as strongly as ever. That’s why she is standing for councillor and Mayor of Hornsby Shire.

Over the last four years, Emma has built an impressive reputation as the ‘can-do councillor’. Residents trust her to take action on the issues they care about. Election Election

She has been the driving force behind the plan to reduce plastic waste and improve development standards for new apartments. She championed fair rents for community preschools and has worked hard to make practical neighbourhood improvements like new footpaths, bubblers and safer road surfaces.

As Mayor, Emma would continue her mission to throw open Council’s doors and let people know what decisions are being made and how to have a say. Her refreshingly open and accountable approach has won her widespread support and a strong following on social media. Election

Our area needs a mayor and councillors who are committed, accountable and in touch. Emma and her team have proven how hard they will work to look after our beautiful Bushland Shire.”

Emma’s team shares her passion for serving their local communities. Monika Ball (Greens B Ward) is well known in the Pennant Hills and Thornleigh areas for her work on reducing waste. She works for a local ecologically-focussed small business. Tania Salitra (Greens A Ward) runs a commercial photography business and is passionate about the arts and facilities for young people.

Arbor Pride