galston community news

Lions International Christmas Cakes Help Community Projects

By Geoff Irvine

The Lions famous Christmas Cakes and Puddings have been sold nationally since 1965.

This fundraiser commenced 55 years ago and over $61 million dollars has been raised towards helping worthy causes such as The Lions Eye Bank and the save-sight program, cancer research including improved treatments for breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease, disaster relief and a host of other vital needs.

Australian Lion clubs this year hope to sell over 500,000 cakes and puddings and expect to raise $1.25 million. Every cent from cake profits will be used to assist important community and health projects.

Lion Christmas cakes are increasingly popular and are regarded by many as an important part of the Festive Season. The cake products continue to taste fresh, luscious and moist. They also make excellent “last minute” gifts too.

For the past 51 years the local Hills Lions, The West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Lions Club has run the cake project. The club welcomes enquiries. Its Cake Chairman, Lion Steve, can be contacted on 0487 785 444 or email: [email protected] |