galston community news


The Dural Country Club Women’s Bowling Club has chosen Ruth Keene as its Sportsperson of the Year nominee for 2019. The winner of this award will be announced at the Presentation Night on Friday, February 7th. Well done Ruth…a worthy candidate!

As it’s said only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun – Dural Country Club Women’s Bowls will now start at the earlier time of 9am. to enjoy the cooler part of the day!

And, it could be a case of may the best men (or women) win, when the two Bowling Clubs ‘do battle’ on the green at the Club Challenge on Thursday, February 6th.

If you’d like to join our friendly “bunch” of bowlers you can call one of our coaches on

0421 315 074 or 0411 375 580 for free bowling lessons. We’d love to see you!

Mr. Mend