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Learn About Glenorie Ecology and Wildlife

Join the Cattai Hills Environment Network, Greater Sydney Landcare, Biodiversity Conservation Trust NSW, and the Glenorie Wildlife Refuge at a fun and educational workshop learning about the uniqueness of your local bushland, endangered plants, and animals on a bush walk with a local ecologist.

The event – on Saturday 24th September from 11am to 1:30pm – is for residents who live on, own, or manage a property that contains 0.5ha of bushland and over in Glenorie and the surrounding suburbs.

The workshop will help you:
 Learn how to assess your land, know how to manage it sustainably, and care for local native wildlife.
 Learn effective weed management techniques.
 Learn about the conservation agreement options you can apply for including permanent protection for your land.
 Network with local landholders and learn from one another.
 Learn about the different environmental networks and organizations near you.

Lunch will be provided for all attendees. The event will be held at Halcrows Rd, Glenorie. Those who register will be sent the address closer to the day.

Bring enclosed shoes, long pants, sleeves, a hat, and a water bottle and apply sunscreen. If you have gardening gloves, please bring them as well.

For more information, contact Danielle Packer at [email protected]


Scott and Sons