galston community news

Lawrence of Arabia Comes to Gunderman

The Dharug and Lower Hawkesbury Historical Society Inc. are hosting a talk of T E Lawrence, better known as ‘Lawrence of Arabia’. Join us to hear about the man who became known as Lawrence of Arabia. His exploits during the Great War became legendary and yet the man himself was a complex character.

Judith McDonald has extensively researched the life of T E Lawrence and will speak about his time in Arabia during the Great War and to what extent he may have influenced the future of the Middle East.

Please note the talk will take place at midday to be followed by lunch.

Date: Saturday 30 July 2016
Time: Please arrive by 11.45 to be seated by midday
RSVP: by Wednesday 27 July to [email protected] or 0405 321 378
Cost: $15 members/$20 non-members which includes lunch