galston community news

Latest Message From Hillside

EXCITING THINGS have been happening at Hillside this term. The new LED sign is installed and operating, allowing the school to notify the community of events and the successes of the students. Thank you to the NSW Government for providing the grant for the purchase and installation of the sign.

Our touch team has progressed through to the finals of the NSW PSSA Small Schools Touch Football Knockout being held later this term. They convincingly won the second round against Ilford Public School in front of a very supportive home crowd. Well done to our team which comprises of students from Years 3 to 6.

We are currently accepting enrolments for Kindergarten 2020. Hillside is fortunate to be able to consider out of area enrolments, as we have not reached our ceiling. Children commencing school next year will be participating in our Early Bird Program over a number of weeks during Term 4. This program enables the children to become familiar with school routine, meet their buddy and the other students, so starting big school is not at all daunting.

Due to a growing need by our parents for before and after school care, the school has commenced the process to seek tenders for the establishment of a centre at Hillside. It will be a wonderful addition to the school and a huge service for the parents.

Planning is well underway for our major fundraiser or the year. On Saturday 2 November the P&C is holding a Trivia and Auction Night at Glenorie RSL. Please support our great school and come along for a night of fun and laughter. Contact the school office for more details.

Student leadership is a vital component of our Student Welfare Policy. All of our year 5 and 6 students participated in the Premier’s Sporting Challenge ‘Learn to Lead’ program at Galston High School.

The students were taught the skills needed to return to school and teach the younger students in four different sports. Students have so many more opportunities at Hillside to develop their leadership skills because every Year 6 student is inducted as a School Leader. One of the many advantages of being a student at a small school. Hillside is our community school, where every child is valued and treated as a person, not a number and the class sizes are small.

Enrolling Now! Enquire now and organise a time for a school tour. Phone: 96521459 Email: [email protected]