galston community news

KU Galston Preschool

This month we celebrated Chinese New Year with the children helping to paint and collage a dragon head for our dragon dance. The children made drums to use as percussion as we danced in the playground with our dragon head. We enjoyed stories about celebrations and how different cultures celebrate special occasions. We made fried rice and had lots of fun trying to use chopsticks to eat with, we found that it was really tricky but it helped if we moved the bowl closer to our mouths!

Thank you to one of our mums, Yuki, who came in to read a story to the children in Japanese. The children were mesmerised by the language difference, however were competent in knowing what the story was about through reading the pictures, as they say “a picture tells a thousand words”.

Mrs Natalie Crouch spent the morning with us reading to the children and talking about the transition to ‘big school’ at Arcadia Public School. Thank you to Archer, a prior student, who also came along to tell the children about how wonderful their school is. We look forward to welcoming the buddies from year 5 and the band in the coming terms. It is so important to develop close relationships with the local schools to help with a smooth transition into primary school.

If you would like further information about our wonderful preschool or for a tour please contact our director Rebecca Onslow on 96532252 or at [email protected].