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KU Galston Preschool

Welcome back to preschool for 2018! All of the children have settled in well and are enjoying their new preschool routines. It has been lovely to see all of the children so engaged in their play developing relationships with their peers whilst exploring our preschool environment. There has been a keen interest in gardening with the children helping to compost and plant new seedlings into our vegetable garden, we have planted carrots, cos lettuce and sugar snap peas. The children have been tending to the garden daily, watering and adding worm wee from our worm farm for fertiliser watching it grow daily with warmer weather.

This week we celebrated “Pancake Day” mixing and cooking delicious pancakes and topping them with strawberries and maple syrup-yum! The children helped to measure, mix, chop, cook and serve the pancakes developing mathematic skills, co-operation and self-help using tongs whilst they wait ever so patiently for their turn.

Next term we look forward to welcoming back the local playgroup for our “Stay and Play” sessions where the local playgroups are invited to spend the morning at preschool. Last year this was an enormous success, helping those too young to commence preschool to spend time getting to know our preschool environment and routines. This helped to make their transition to preschool an easy one.

If you would like further information about our community preschool please visit or contact our director Rebecca Onslow on 9653-2252 or at [email protected].

Prager Building