galston community news

KU Galston Preschool

We have begun term 4 with a bang! We are all really excited to be back at preschool and into the swing of things. I am amazed as I look around and see how far all of the children have grown mentally, physically, socially and emotionally in such a short time. Our play based program provides a wide range of active and meaningful learning experiences which are purposeful, building upon our children’s strengths and concentrating on their individual interests. We focus on promoting positive dispositions for learning such as persistence, curiosity, perseverance, helpfulness and responsibility. It is these dispositions that provide a solid foundation for the transition to school and life long learning.

Our silkworms have grown and are eating us out of house and home with the amount of mulberry leaves they are going through each day. Thankfully they have begun to spin cocoons so we are all looking forward to watching the next part of their lifecycle.

This week we also welcomed the families from our local Arcadia Playgroup who visited our preschool for the morning. We enjoyed having them and we hope that they all enjoyed spending time here.

If you too would like to visit our beautiful preschool or for more information please call or email our Director Rebecca on 9653 2252 or at [email protected].