galston community news

KU Galston Preschool

We have had a great time recently at KU Galston Preschool as “spring has sprung”, as the weather warms up the children have been enjoying water play. We love using the watering cans to water our vegetable garden and flowering pots and buckets with paint brushes to paint with water. Our vegetable garden has grown over night and the children have enjoyed our first crop of broccoli and are looking forward to harvesting the beetroot and lettuce in the coming weeks. We have planted tomatoes and cucumbers and have been busy attending to these.

Our silkworms have started hatching and this year we have separated them into 2 boxes, one box we are feeding with mulberry leaves and the other box with beetroot leaves as we have been told that if we feed the silkworms with beetroot leaves they will spin pink cocoons! We are all awaiting to see their colourful cocoons.

Sustainability is embedded into our preschool philosophy and program with many of our children living on acreage and being sustainable is a way of life. We have seriously been looking at our waste and what we can do to reduce our environmental footprint reducing things that go to landfill. Since focusing on waste we have reduced our soft plastics and packaging to only using a small bin each day. The children are so clever in recycling their food waste into things that can be recycled, food scraps for our preschool worm farm, containers that can be washed and re-used for craft or soft plastics that we can now recycle at certain Coles and Woolworths supermarkets. Thank you to our families who are now using small containers for food that can be washed each day rather than zip lock bags or packages that go to landfill and take years to break down. We also have a harvest table at the front of the preschool where families can sell, trade or buy produce from our families’ gardens such as herbs, jams, vegetables, eggs or flowers etc. Being environmentally aware is important to all of us at preschool and we look forward to finding new ways that we can be responsible members of our community.

We are enrolling for 2018 and have limited vacancies. Please call our director Rebecca on 96532252 or email [email protected] or more details.