galston community news

KU Galston Preschool

Last month the children decided that they would like to raise money to buy food for all the animals that have no food due to the drought. We researched the different ways we could help and decided to buy a bale. We set our target high at $1000 and decided to have 2 days where we would either come to preschool with crazy hair or on the alternate day we would wear silly socks. We were amazed at the generosity of our preschool community and were able to raise $1170.75 to go towards feeding the animals. Thank you to everyone for their support.

We have been amazed to watch the hive and activity of our native bees as the weather warms up. They enjoy the warmer days and have been busy collecting pollen from our garden. Our bees have a new home thankyou to a clever Dad and help from his little helper. We have been learning about honey bees and how honey is made? We have all been interested to learn about the dance of the bees which tells us a lot about the richness of the food in the area & which way for their friends to fly to collect pollen & nectar. We were amazed to learn that a bee needs to visit approximately 1000 flowers to fill its stomach prior to returning to the hive!

We will be holding a Bake Sale out the front of the Bendigo Bank on Saturday 20th October from 8am. We will have a variety of baked goods for sale, we hope to see you all there!

We are currently enrolling for 2019 and have limited vacancies available for children aged 3 years to school age. You may not be aware but the State Government is extending the Universal Access funding to include 3 year olds commencing in 2019. This is a wonderful initiative as there is much evidence that shows the benefits of a 2 year preschool program prior to commencing formal schooling. If you would like to find out more about our beautiful preschool or would like to visit please contact our Director Rebecca Onslow on 9653-2252 or at [email protected].