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KU Galston Preschool

Another great month at KU Galston Preschool. We have enjoyed the Hatch n Grow program watching and caring for our 6 little ducklings. The ducklings loved to get out in our yard and swim in our creek bed. The children spent many hours cuddling them and watching then frolick in the beautiful sunshine. Our Bake Sale was a huge success. Thank you to our wonderful families for baking delicious treats for us to sell and helping on the stall. Thank you also to Bendigo Bank at Galston for allowing us to hold the sale, we raised $1174 to allow us to purchase new shelving for our indoor environment.

Last week at preschool we celebrated reconciliation week, which is a time for all Australians to reflect on our shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can join the national reconciliation journey. At preschool we used hand prints to create Warnayarra the Rainbow Snake after reading the dreamtime story which symbolises our reconciliation journey. We also used handprints to make the Aboriginal Flag in the land on which the preschool resides today.

We have commenced enrolments for 2019, if you would like to know more about our wonderful preschool or would like to visit, please contact our director Rebecca Onslow on 96532252 or email [email protected]

Naucon group