galston community news

KU Galston Preschool

What a busy start to the term. It has been delightful to return to preschool to participate in the Hatch n Grow program where we were the lucky recipients of duck eggs to watch 9 gorgeous little ducklings hatch from their shell. We all have thoroughly enjoyed looking after our little treasures watching them grow and develop and caring for them, they have had lots of love and cuddles and have enjoyed swimming in our dry creek bed.

Last week we had all of the mum’s visit preschool for Mother’s Day. We celebrated with a concert of our favourite songs and dances and then treated our mum’s to an afternoon tea of scones, Anzac biscuits and shortbread all prepared lovingly by the children.

Our main focus this term is on healthy eating, we are introducing slinky apple Monday to encourage the children to make healthy food choices and making fruit kebabs for morning tea. We are learning about which foods to fuel our bodies.

We still have vacancies on some days, if you would like more information or a tour of our beautiful preschool please contact our Director Rebecca Onslow on 9653 2252 or [email protected].