galston community news

All the nostalgia of a good Street Parade will burst into life at the Kenthurst Fair on Sunday, September 8. 

The fun is between 9am and 3pm but the 35 year-old Kenthurst Street Parade steps into action at 11am when hundreds of people will make their way from Jones Road to John Benyon Rotary Park in Kenthurst Rd.

The colourful and noisy parade will feature marching bands, dance groups, local schools, the SES and RFS and clowns. There will be a huge range of stalls in the park as well as carnival rides, big slides and stage shows.

The event has been organised by The Rotary Club of Kenthurst. For details visit

September is packed with events for the Orange Blossom Festival starting on Sunday September 1 with the Bella. Vista farm Open Day and Lights, Beats and Eats will be at Castle Hill Showground on September 14 with food trucks and a Light show from 4pm ending with fireworks at 9pm. For a list of activities and features on the full program visit


SEPTEMBER 1: Bella Vista Farm Open Day 9am to 2pm.

SEPTEMBER 2: Seniors Dance at Harvey Lowe Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground

SEPTEMBER 4 to 19: Hills Community Aid Workshops

SEPTEMBER 7 and 8: The Hills Schools Expo at 10am to 4pm. Harvey Lowe Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground :

SEPTEMBER 7: Ride IN2BMX – Come and Try with Castle Hill BMX Club at Fred Caterson Reserve BMX track 1pm to 3pm.

SEPTEMBER 8: Kenthurst Fair organised by The Rotary Club of Kenthurst at John Benyon Rotary Park, Kenthurst 9am to 3pm.

SEPTEMBER 11: Computer Pals for Seniors Open Day from 10am to 1pm Harvey Lowe Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground

SEPTEMBER 14: Lights, Beats and Eats Castle Hill Showground, 4pm to 9pm. SEPTEMBER 16: Employment Workshop Rex Money Room, Vinegar Hill Library, Rouse Hill, 10am to 1pm

SEPTEMBER 14 to 15 Australasian Native Orchid Spring Show at Kellyville Village by Australasian Native Orchid Society Sydney Group from 8.30am.

SEPTEMBER 14 to 28: Orange Blossom Festival Annual Art Awards, Castle Hill Art Society 10am to 4pm at : Castle Glen Community Centre, Ridgecrop Drive, Castle Hill

SEPTEMBER 19: Western Sydney Symphony Orchestra (Sydney Contemporary Orchestra) concert at The Pioneer Theatre, Castle Hill from 7.30pm to 9.30pm

SEPTEMBER 20 to 22 Bonsai Journey with Bonsai Society of Australia Inc from 10am at Harvey Lowe Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground.

SEPTEMBER 20: Hills Shire Symphony Orchestra Community Concert with The Hills Shire Symphony Orchestra, 7.30pm to 9:30pm at Pioneer Theatre, Castle Hill

SEPTEMBER 21: Hills District Light the Night for The Leukaemia Foundation, 4pm to 8.30pm at Bella Vista Farm

SEPTEMBER 21: Celebrating Women Seminar, 2.30pm to 4.30pm at Aveo Bella Vista Soroptimist International of the Hills

SEPTEMBER 22: Cross Country Challenge organised by The Rotary Club of Castle Hill 8am to 11am Bella Vista Farm

SEPTEMBER 29: Pawsitive Steps _ Mind, Doggy and Spirit Festival at Castle Hill Showground from 11am to 3pm