galston community news

Keep an eye out for tossers

Seen someone throwing a cigarette butt or sweet wrapper from their car? Now you can do something about other people’s antisocial habits.

The Environmental Protection Authority’s ‘Hey Tosser’ campaign which is on at the moment, is encouraging the public to report litter thrown from vehicles onto local streets. “We want to inspire everyone to put their rubbish in a bin or take it with them,” said a spokesman.

As part of the Hey Tosser Campaign, Ku-ring-gai Council is encouraging local residents to use the Report to EPA system to report littering from vehicles, such as cigarette ends.

Over 26,000 people across NSW have used the EPA reporting system to report incidents of littering from vehicles in the last two years. And, says the EPA, having local residents notify them about litterbugs “sends a strong message that littering isn’t tolerated and if you litter, you’ll get caught.”

To report littering from a vehicle you need to:

• have actually seen the litter being thrown from the vehicle
• be able to provide the vehicle registration details and the location where the littering happened
• report the incident within 14 days
• make your report on the EPA website
• be willing to attend court as a witness if required.
• If you see a rubbish tosser, report the a littering incident at: