galston community news

Just a Bit of Fun!

Community News Treasure Hunt, look for the answers and win.

So all the answers are contained in this issue, you just need to find them. The first to respond with all correct answers will win a large scented candle courtesy of Luxe elicious Galston, Shop 3 Galston Village 358-360 Galston Road Galston 9653 2187

Please submit your answers to advertising@galstoncommunity. (or if you don’t have email, call Mary on 0400 363 563)

1. Who organised the Mother’s Day stall at Glenorie Public School?

2. What plant is pictured in the article, ‘Some weeds have nice flowers?’

3. What is the name of Sonya Best’s new cafe?

4. Who wrote the piece ‘In Praise of Fagan Park‘?

5. What’s was on Tuesday the 9th of May?

6. What can you count on Kylie for?

7. What is Bill Petch thanking readers for?

8. Name one benefit of Zumba?

9. Buy one get what free?

10. Who won the ‘National Best Legal Service Award’?

11. Galston Community News is the original community magazine since when?

12. How many personal bests were achieved at this year’s National Swimming Championships?